eSkills2030 conducted a workshop with experts to discuss a vision for upskilling Europe
During our last workshop, which took place on the 23rd March 2021, Twenty-nine experts from 13 countries discussed their vision for upskilling in data-intense services. This was the fourth session of a series of activities that empirica, ISSIP and PwC Luxembourg have implemented as part of the eSkills2030 – Skills for Industry: Fostering New Services […]
16 March workshop to gather top international service innovation experts, presenting best practice and discussing vision 2030
The first workshop will be held on 16th March 2020 in Brussels. It will focus on presenting and discussing best practice Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME) related initiatives in education, research and policy and the way forward towards a shared vision for 2030. Representatives of a selection of international best practice initiatives will show […]